Tom is a semi-retired powerlifter boasting two 2000+ totals in wraps and a 2034 total in sleeves. His personal best deadlift – his favorite lift – is an 815lb pull. He currently has his sights on the strongman scene where he has recently pulled a 31,000lb school bus 50ft in 25 seconds.
Although he loves helping strong people get stronger, Tom also truly loves and enjoys the process of transforming the lives of the general population. He brings 20+ years of training experience, 20+ years of education, and over 10 years of client coaching experience to the table. Tom has his CPT from NASM, his Lv1 Precision Nutrition certification, is a graduate of J3U, and has more education lined up.
With college education in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Biology, coupled with 13+ years working as an engineer, Tom approaches training with a deep love and respect for science and evidence, but also believes that the body has a lot to say as well. He believes that the key to reaching your goals is to optimize all aspects of life, and his coaching reflects that in his attention to sleep, stress, and fatigue.